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Fastener Fair 2025 – we will be there!
Visit our booth 1884 in hall 3. The Fastener Fair is an international platform for manufacturers, wholesalers, providers and suppliers of fastener and fixing technology and will …
The first rails from Saarstahl Rail have arrived in Ukraine for reconstructing the rail network
The first rails produced at Saarstahl Rail started their journey to Ukraine last week from the Bahnlog site in Homburg-Kirkel. Now they have been officially handed over for their …
Saarstahl Group at InnoTrans 2024 – setting the course for a CO2-neutral future
InnoTrans, which takes place every two years in Berlin, is the leading international trade fair for transport technology and an important meeting place for the rail industry. This …
Saarstahl takes part in Green Steel World in Essen, Germany
The event offers a platform for the exchange of ideas on the topic of decarbonization in the steel industry and brings together various experts, including both manufacturers and …
Saarstahl earns platinum status in the EcoVadis sustainability rating
EcoVadis, an internationally recognized ratings platform to assess corporate social responsibility, has awarded its platinum rating to Saarstahl’s sustainability strategy. …
Supervisory boards decide: green steel will be produced in the Saar region.
The Supervisory Boards of SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar, Saarstahl AG and Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke (Dillinger) have adopted an ambitious roadmap to transform …
CDP grants SHS Group “Supplier Engagement Leader” status
SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar (SHS) and its companies Dillinger and Saarstahl achieved an overall B grade in the 2021 ratings for “Metal smelting, refining & forming” by the …
We are active
The Saarland steel industry is firmly committed to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and wants to manufacture high-quality steel products in a sustainable manner. We …
Award Top-supplier
ROGESA Roheisengesellschaft Saar mbH and Zentralkokerei Saar GmbH (ZKS) consistently implement their sustainability strategy and annually award suppliers from the “Solid …
SHS Group achieves “Leadership” status in CDP sustainability ranking
In 2020, the SHS Group with the companies Dillinger and Saarstahl participated for the first time in the rating of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and achieved an A- overall …
Saarstahl AG introduces a whistleblower system
Under the responsibility of the Compliance Committee, an independent, structured procedure for submitting and processing reports has been implemented with effect from 1 December …
It’s all systems go for the green transformation
Fact sheet for the year 2019 with the key figures from the area of sustainability