23. August 2021
Start of training: Into the future with Saarstahl and Dillinger
Full of anticipation, 128 trainees started their future careers today at Dillinger and Saarstahl. This is always a special day for the companies as well: Dillinger and Saarstahl have for many years relied on having a strong pool of young talent of their own and have offered their young trainees state-of-the-art training at the highest technical level. The steelmaking partners are maintaining this program even under currently difficult economic circumstances and are continuing training at a consistently high level.
Trainers, Works Council members and youth representatives welcomed the new trainees in small groups on their first day of work in Dillingen and Völklingen, while observing the coronavirus protection and hygiene regulations. Joerg Disteldorf, Chief Human Resources Officer for Dillinger and Saarstahl, joined in via video message and warmly welcomed the young people to the companies: “This is a big day. You are moving a step closer to your career goal and we as a company are very proud to accompany you on this journey. We want to give you a promising economic perspective. And we want to drive the transformation process forward together with you: We need you for the tasks that lie ahead.”
The skilled employees of tomorrow started this new phase of their lives today full of motivation. Getting the right tools for her professional career is what Laura Kiefer, a prospective electronics technician for industrial engineering, wants from her training at Saarstahl: “I hope to gain new experiences that will provide me with a good foundation in my future career.” Robin Wagner, who has decided to become a plant firefighter, is looking forward to meeting his new colleagues and to the opportunities the training will offer him: “I’ve heard a lot of good things about Dillinger and its employees. Dillinger is also a large company with lots of opportunities for training and advancement.”
This year Dillinger is offering 64 young people the chance to start their careers: 61 in technical and industrial vocations and 3 in commercial fields. At the steel-producing partner company Saarstahl, 64 young people are starting the new phase of their lives: 59 in technical and industrial vocations and 5 in commercial fields. As part of the training partnership program, an additional 7 trainees from other companies are completing training at Saarstahl and Dillinger. Both companies are offering 9 new interns from technical colleges their first experience of working life as part of the one-year basic vocational training program.
About our training: Fit for the future with “Steel diversity for life” (“Stahlbunt fürs Leben”)
In keeping with the motto “Steel diversity for life”, Saarstahl and Dillinger provide needs-based training and generally hire their own trainees after successful completion of their training. Pupils can choose from a total of 18 technical and industrial or commercial professions and train to become “steel icons”.
The trainees also have the opportunity to enhance their job skills with additional qualifications in the area of Industry 4.0, including programming, IT security or additive manufacturing. The tools for a successful professional career also include soft skills like the ability to work in a team and collaborative spirit, which are a particular focus in “Steel diversity for life”.
You can find more information about training opportunities at Dillinger and Saarstahl at www.stahlbunt-fuers-leben.de and on the Stahlbunt (@StahlbuntAzubis) Facebook page. With around 500 trainees, the “Steel diversity for life” program at Dillinger and Saarstahl is the largest job-training workplace in Saarland.