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Company Guidelines



Each one of us is dedicated to employing and further developing their own skills for the company. The readiness of all employees to deliver a high level of performance in the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them forms an essential basis for safeguarding our future. Our managers demand commitment and promote it by valuing and recognizing performance and by employing members of staff according to their abilities and involving them in decisions. Our company offers employees the opportunity to further develop their potentials.

Personal initiative

Each of us takes on responsibility by working independently and with foresight. Each of us looks for possibilities for improvement. Each of us independently looks out for mistakes or deficits and points these out. We each eliminate them if this is within the scope of our competence. Our managers demand and promote personal initiative by passing on knowledge about operating procedures and interdependencies within the company to their staff. Our employee suggestion scheme motivates people to initiate improvements in the company through their own personal initiative.

Willingness to accept change

We are orientated flexibly towards new objectives and we adapt to new circumstances and requirements. We search for potentials for improvement and initiate improvements. This requires that each of us is willing to learn and that our managers make learning possible. It requires the ability to accept criticism and that mistakes are dealt with openly and constructively. We orientate our structures and procedures towards our company objectives. However, even with this willingness to accept change, we are also aware of our shared tradition and we ensure sustainability.


Loyalty means solidarity and is a matter of giving and receiving. Being loyal to our company means being committed to its goals, handling resources with care and openly transferring knowledge between colleagues and areas. Being loyal to our employees means looking after them and providing them with support. For us, loyalty also means not communicating problems to the outside world but rather first speaking about them openly internally and solving them constructively.


For us, having integrity means behaving in an upright and earnest manner. Everyone keeps his word, is bound by his agreements and communicates openly and transparently. This creates credibility and trust. Having integrity also means that each of us takes on responsibility for his actions.

Treating each other with respect

We treat each other respectfully and fairly. We show tolerance towards other opinions, stances and lifestyles. We give other points of view a chance. We listen to each other openly and examine the others’ points of view without prejudice. For us, treating each other with respect does not mean tolerating problems but rather – wherever possible – asking about the causes and solving them in open dealings with each other. This also applies to dealings with our business partners.

Customer orientation

The focus of our efforts is on our customers. For us, customers are external and internal customers such as other plants or departments. We work for and with our customers. We inquire about their needs and wishes and orientate ourselves towards these. Our customers’ trust and satisfaction as well as close cooperation with our customers are the prerequisite of our success.

Quality awareness

We set high quality demands not only of our products but also of the work that each of us has to carry out. We endeavour to do every task well. We develop quality criteria and align our work and processes with these. Constant review of the quality of our work is therefore an obligation.


We remain committed to our social responsibility towards our employees. We take on social responsibility by creating and safeguarding jobs and through qualified and future-orientated training and further training. We take on responsibility for our environment through environmentally compatible and resource-saving work. We are dedicated to the region. We strengthen its economy with our commitment. Our intensive and transparent information policy promotes identification of the people in the region with our company.