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Legal details

Saarstahl AG

Bismarckstraße 57-59
66333 Völklingen
E-Mail: saarstahl@saarstahl.com
Tel.: +49 6898 100

Register of companies

Amtsgericht Saarbrücken
HRB 74820

Board of management

Stefan Rauber (Chairman of the Board of Management)
Joerg Disteldorf
Daniël Nicolaas van der Hout
Markus Lauer
Dr. Peter Maagh
Jonathan Weber

Sales tax identification no.

DE 811121414

Notification of liability

Saarstahl AG undertakes to ensure to the best of their ability that the information and data on this website are appropriate. However, no liability or guarantee for the relevance to the current situation, correctness and completeness of the information and data provided can be accepted or given. This also applies to all other websites indicated through hyperlinks. Saarstahl AG does not accept any responsibility for the contents of websites, which can be reached through such a link and reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to or to supplement the information or data provided.


All rights reserved.
No further publication or distribution of the contents of the website, in particular the use of texts, sections of texts or picture material including the so-called framings, are permitted unless Saarstahl AG has explicitly agreed to this in writing.

All the information or data, use of these and registration on the website along with all acts, toleration or omissions in connection with the website, are exclusively subject to Germany law.


If not otherwise stated, all the trademarks used on the website are protected by trademark laws. This applies in particular to the Saarstahl company trademark logo and wording which are registered as protected trademarks.

Conception, design and realization

HDW Neue Kommunikation GmbH
Bismarckstraße 126
66121 Saarbrücken
0681 6688111