DownloadsPublications Annual reportsExecutive Summary of the Financial Statement 202207.07.2023PDF (218 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 202126.10.2022PDF (508 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 202002.08.2021PDF (306 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201901.10.2020PDF (701 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201804.09.2019PDF (181 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201726.07.2019PDF (2 MB) Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201627.07.2017PDF (8 MB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201512.07.2016PDF (963 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201404.04.2016PDF (904 KB)Executive Summary of the Financial Statement 201304.04.2016PDF (1 MB)SustainabilitySHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar: Sustainability Report Fact Sheet Saarstahl31.07.2024PDF (713 KB)PureSteel+ Saarstahl18.04.2024PDF (6 MB)SHS Environmental and sustainability guidelines08.04.2024PDF (159 KB)Policy statement on human rights and environment04.09.2023PDF (176 KB)Flyer Carbon Footprints EN19.04.2023PDF (2 MB)SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar: Sustainability Report10.03.2023PDF (2 MB)Flyer Coke oven gas injection system – The first step towards a hydrogen-based steel production16.02.2021PDF (1 MB)Guidelines for conflict minerals26.09.2019PDF (227 KB)Guidelines for conflict minerals26.09.2019PDF (247 KB)Code of conduct for sustainable sourcing26.09.2019PDF (36 KB)SHS Code of Ethics08.02.2019PDF (193 KB)